Gradient must be provided for
» [xmin. opt. exflag. out, grad, hessian ]=fminunc(@rb,[-1.2 1].options)
Warning: Gradient must be provided for trust-region method;
using line-search method instead.
> In C:\MATLABR12\toolbox\optim\fminunc.m at line 211
Optimization terminated successfully:
Current search direction is a descent direction, and magnitude of directional derivative in search direction less than 2*options.TolFun
xmin =
1.0000 1.0000
opt =
out =
iterations: 26
funcCount: 162
stepsize: 1.2992
firstorderopt: 5.0020e-004
algorithm: 'medium-scale: Quasi-Newton line search'
l.Oe-003 *
hessian =
820.4028 -409.5496
-409.5496 204.7720
firstorderopt - мера оптимальности для первой нормы градиента целевой функции в найденной точке минимума;
»options=optimset('tolX' Gе-6. 'maxFunEvals' .162):
» [xmin. opt]=lsqnonlin(@rb,[-1.2 1].[0 le-6].[0 le-6],options)
Warning: Large-scale method requires at least as many equations as variables:
switching to line-search method instead. Upper and lower bounds will be ignored.
> In C:\MATLABR12\toolbox\optim\private\lsqncommon.m at line 155
In C:\MATLABR12\toolbox\optim\lsqnonlin.m at line 121
Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded Increase
xmin =
0.6120 0.3715
opt =
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